A to Z of Business Storytelling -17

Sundararaman Chintamani
2 min readMay 28, 2022


As a business storyteller your key message may revolve around any of the corporate values such as Leadership, Honesty, Integrity, Team Building, Communication Skills, Innovation, Risk Management etc. While you plan to tell a corporate story to reinforce any of the above themes, it is highly recommended to use few relevant corporate quote. Quotes are distilled words of wisdom and hence convey the message with brevity.

As per Wikipedia, a quotation is the repetition of a sentence, phrase, or passage from speech or text that someone has said or written. Quotations are used for a variety of reasons.

Reinforce Ideas: Popular quotes endorse your views. A single line quote can comprise your entire speech.

Enhances Credibility: Since you quote a popular business leaders, you create an impression that such leaders agree with rest of your point of views.

Reflects Homework: Since you research and use relevant quotes in your speech, the audience appreciate your homework and respect towards them.

Add Variety: In this post, I have mentioned that speakers need to bring a variety of support materials to substantiate their view points. No doubts using quotes is one aspect of bringing in variety to your story.

Some of the popular quotes of business leaders are as follows:-

Word of Caution

  • In todays overwhelming world of online contents, many quotes are wrongly attributed to several celebrities. One cannot get fooled by seeing a quote online as genuine just because it is embedded with a picture of a celebrity. One has to look for genuine resources like books, biographies to see if the attribution is genuinely tagged.
  • Anything too much is overwhelming. In a business storytelling session limit with just one or two quotes. Nothing more.
  • Some of the quotes are cliched, meaning over used or abused. Jut try to avoid them. You may sparingly use them depending on the profile of the audience.

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