A to Z of Business Storytelling -18

Sundararaman Chintamani
6 min readJun 20, 2022

R — Refreshing Stories

When it is coming to Business Storytelling, folk tales and imaginary motivational stories are discounted. We have limited options for anecdotes from the corporate world. While picking up the corporate stories, how to ensure that the audience don’t get bored. One sure way to invigorate the audience is by telling them refreshing stories. By telling refreshing stories, the speaker not only engages with the audience, but makes the message memorable.

Before getting into how to tell a refreshing stories, let us see the other side. One sure way of boring the audience is to tell them a cliched story. ie. telling them over-used and abused stories.

Imagine your boss is inaugurating the innovation lab at your organization and in his keynote address, he is telling the audience the following story.

Once in Japan, a consumer bought a soap box. When he opened the box, he could not find the soap inside the box. He was very much annoyed and made a complaint to the company. The CEO of the company immediately plunged into action and asked the technical team to come out with an idea to prevent such scenarios in the future. After much deliberations and discussions, the technical team try to come out a suitable scanning machine to detect the empty boxes before they are out for delivery. One day the scan system was not working and the team tried to spend efforts to bring in another scan system. This was taking some time. In the meantime, one of the operators in the shop floor, brought a pedestal fan and kept on the sides of the conveyor belt. By adjusting the speed of the fan, he made sure that the empty boxes are knocked off by the stream of wind from the fan. What an ingenuity!

As an audience, how would you feel after hearing the above cliched story. I am confident that you would have got annoyed. There are nearly 2500 people who have subscribed to my newsletter on A to Z of Business Newsletter. I am confident that more than 2000 people would have heard this story ’n’ number of times.

Instead of the above story, imagine that your boss has told the following story.

Marico was selling Parachute coconut oil in 1971, with low margins. Parachute was sold primarily in bulk, in tins of 15 litres to wholesalers. As oil was having nice aroma and the quality was better than other brands, the wholesalers were happy with the product . They started selling the oil in smaller packs.

Seeing the potential of the market Marico started appointing distributors and gave them retail packs to sell the Parachute oil. All these retail packs were metal tin containers. Business was ok. Now Marico wanted to uniquely position their product and wanted to bring in some kind of differentiation. Instead of tin containers, they started packaging the product in plastic bottles. The plastic containers were much cheaper and looked more attractive on the shelves.

After launching the new package. Marico did a market survey and the feedback from the traders was really shocking. Any guess? You would be surprised to know the reason, why the traders were not happy… The reason was rats… Yes’ Rats love coconut oil . After smelling the nice aroma of the coconut oil, rats in the shops started biting the plastic bottles… Oil started oozing from the bottles… The shops became a big mess and their other commodities also got damaged.

Harsh Mariwala the founder knew the market potential of his product and hence did not want to give up. He hired one Mr. Bindumadhavan, a professional working at Ranbaxy to solve the issue. Bindumadhavan and his team did a deep dive to understand the problem. They found that the problem was with the design of the bottle… The cross section of the bottle was in square shape. That made the rats to get a good grip of the bottles and started biting them.

So the team decided to change the shape of the bottle. They made the bottle made the shape into a simple cylindrical, round shaped one. The bottles were also made from high quality plastic.

They thought that because of the shape of the bottle. the rats would not be able to get a grip on the bottles, and therefore, would not be able to sink their teeth into the plastic. They sent the consignment to the traders and assured them that they are leak-proof. But the traders were apprehensive and were not willing to stock the coconut bottles. They did not want to take any risk. They said a big NO.

Marico industry was in a fix. They pondered over the problem for quite some time and finally thought of an idea. They put eight to ten bottles of parachute oil in a cage with along with some rats. They left the cage locked for two days. After two days, the result was great. As expected nothing happened to the newly designed bottles. The entire experiment was recorded on camera. The clippings were shared with the traders. Now the trust level of the traders went up. They were ready to accept the new consignment. Slowly the news was shared among the traders and the Parachute coconut oil bottles started occupying their shelves. Within few years the brand became a market leader.

I am confident that many of you would not have heard the story so far. Hence this story is a refreshing story and you would be keen in listening to it. Also the interesting twists and turns of the story make the message memorable. As mentioned in the previous editions of the newsletter, this story is authentic and has specific details. Chronological information and names of specific persons are mentioned. While in the case of Japanese soap case study, not only it was over-used, but also lacked authenticity and specificity. The business storyteller could not share details like when it happened, in which plant it happened etc.

In order to make your business storytelling a refreshing session, ensure the following guidance.

  • Never pick a story from another speaker or from the public domain. People would have listened to it many times.
  • Try to pick stories from your own corporate experiences. Not many would have known about it.
  • Once you find some business story from a book or a journal, try to use the key words and google it. If the story you have read does not appear in the Google search, then you are good to go.
  • Before the actual event, share the the identified story with your inner circle or closed network of well-wishers. If 4 out 5 have felt that the story is a refreshing one, go ahead.
  • In your story file, classify the stories as Cliched, Little Known and Unheard stories. Try to have more and more stories in your story file of the last category.

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