A to Z of Business Storytelling -22

Sundararaman Chintamani
4 min readMay 2, 2022

Vocal Variety

Vocal variety in speech is a way to communicate by changing the sound of your voice using different speeds and tones, changing the volume, using pauses etc while speaking. Vocal variety typically breaks the monotony of the business storyteller. Good vocal variety helps the business storyteller to keep the audience engaged and clues them in on his/her meaning, feelings, or emphasis.

Vocal variety comprises of several aspects. To remember easily, one can thing of 3 Ps and 3 Vs. 3 Ps include Pitch, Pause and Pronunciation. The 3 Vs represent Volume, Velocity and Voice Quality. Let us understand each one of them.


Pitch refers to the highness or lowness of a speaker’s voice tone. Many of us speak on a high pitch on stge. A high pitch lacks authority and appeal and is often harsh an unpleasant. On the contrary, a low pitch results in rumbling, indistinct and ponderous speech. All of us have our own natural pitch. But during business storytelling, we may have to lower it and boost it depending on the dialogue or narrative. If we carefully introduce two to three characters in our story, there is a possibility for variations in the pitch.


Pauses are periods of silence between words and phrases. Their function is to separate ideas and hold attention. Pauses allow you to punctuate your spoken words, giving your listeners clues as to when one phrase, one sentence, or one paragraph ends, and the next begins. Pauses are also vital weapons for storytellers as they help to convey emotions. Sometimes a a pause while depicting pathos adds additional melancholy. Sometimes a pause may add the extra humor. Using pauses gives your audience time to reflect on your words. It allows them to make connections with their own experiences in real time. This results in the positive audience engagement.


Pronunciation is the formation and utterance of words. It is the product of correct sounds in the sequence of of a word. Our speaking vocabulary is often different from our reading and writing vocabulary. Correct pronunciation is essential for your audience to take you seriously. Wrong pronunciation leads to

  • Confusion on what the speaker has said
  • Misunderstanding of terms
  • Poor reputation of the speaker.

Today, by using the online help, one can understand the exact pronunciation of most of the terms we use.


Speaker speaking in the same flat volume may lead to monotony. A speaker should know when to raise the volume and when to lower the volume. Loud voice amplifies emotion. Soft voice to draw close attention of the audience or to suggest important privileged information. A business storyteller shall vary his/her voice to create dramatic Impact.


Velocity is referred here as the speed at which someone speaks. Typically the velocity or the rate of delivery of words by a speaker varies from 120–160 words per minute. The rate you speak depends on your subject matter, tone, audience, and occasion. It is better to avoid speaking so slowly that you bore your audience. It is also essential to avoid speaking so fast that your audience cannot understand you or comprehend your message. Racing through your speech is a common symptom of nervousness and can easily be cured with practice!

Voice Quality

Some of the positive aspects of voice quality are Open, Clear and Enthusiastic, while the negative aspects would include a Nasal, Breathy and Lifeless voice. Voice quality can be improved with specific voice exercises.

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