How to get a global mindset? — Book Review of “How to become Global Keynote Speaker?’ by Fredrik Haren

Sundararaman Chintamani
4 min readJan 1, 2021


Global Mindset

As an aspiring professional speaker, I am delighted to review the book of Fredrik Haren titles “How to become a Global Keynote Speaker?”

Let me divide this book review in to 3 major parts. The first one would be about the bio of the author and the next one would be the features of the book and the last one would be about some aspects of the contents of the book.

My first experience to listen Fredrik Haren was when he visited Chennai, India for the very first annual summit of Professional Speakers Association of India (PSAI), i.e Professional Speakers Summit (PSS2019). The entire audience including me were mesmerized by listening to the keynote delivered by Fredrik. But somehow, just now got an opportunity to read his book titled “How to become a Global Keynote Speaker?”

Fredrik has two decades of experience in professional speaking. He has delivered more than 2000 presentations over 60 countries on 6 continents. He is one of the Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) (One of 700 globally) as well a GSP Global (one of only 30 globally). Fredrik is a member of National Speakers Association (NSA), PSA (Australia), NSA (Sweden), PSAN (Namibia) and APSS (Singapore). In the preface of the book, Fredrik elaborates about his credibility as a global speaker, not for the sake of self-glory, but to ensure why the readers need to read this book of him. Let me know get into the vital aspects or features of this book.

Fredrik gives an average of 24 keynote speech across the globe every year. At the time of writing this book, Fredrik has given 23 keynote speeches in that year. Hence the book has 23 chapters. In each chapter, Fredrik explains how he got each one of the opportunities. They are titled as “Proof of Concepts” for each of the ideas he has shared in the book. At the end of each chapter, a prelude is given to the next chapter, which makes the reading of the book a smooth one. Fredrik strongly believes that the quality of the speech is much much stronger than any other sales and marketing techniques to get a speaking gig. Hence in every chapter, he reiterates that, “the key to building a successfully key career is really a great speech, which will lead to people booking you again. It is that simple.” Not only sharing his experience, Frederik also gives to tips to the aspiring speakers in every chapter. At the end of reading the book, the reader is acquired with 23 strong tips to become a global keynote speaker. Let me get into some of the chapters and analyze the key messages. For the same of convenience I have divided the 23 chapters into 3 groupings.

One of the key message in the first few chapters is “the speaker coming out with a global speech.” (Chapter #2) This means that the speech is universally acceptable in terms of the message, anecdote, stories and idioms. Without this approach, a speaker can never think of becoming a global speaker. Another vital message Fredrik shares is in leveraging the golden minute in a conference. (Chapter #5) He also suggests how to get an appropriate speech slot in an event to maximize the golden minutes, if the speaker is powerful enough to influence the event organizers.

As a global speaker, one would sign a formal contract with the event organizers. This contract would include the event cancellation clauses. Typically the global speakers are particular about getting paid with the agreed sum, if the event is cancelled. But Fredrik feels that if at all if the event is cancelled or postponed, there should be a strong reason for it. With this empathy mindset, he wants to be nice with the organizers. He explains how this approach has helped him to get multiple speaking gigs. (Chapter #14).

Fredrik is a full-time professional speaker. He does not have any other profession. All his income is from professional speaking. Yet, he believes the power of work-life balance. He gives practical tips on how to work and play (the sequence is important) while taking up speaking gigs in a foreign land.

For aspiring professional speakers, specifically speakers who would like to give global keynotes speeches, this book of Fredrik is a treasure trove. More than reading the book, one has to meticulously follow the tips shared by Fredrik.

Video Review of the Book

